Thursday, December 17, 2009

Long Time

I know, I know, it's been forever since I've updated, but it's been a pretty busy past couple of months really.

Though, I spent most of that time working on my Facebook page which I'm sure more people look at. Nevertheless, as I sit here watching Inglourious Bastards wondering to myself "can you really sharpen a knife with a leather belt?" I have decided to update my blog.

I realize this is why my blogs suck so much, but you know I'm not quite ready to give up just yet, especially since this blog isn't for my personal life (thank god). I feel as though long bouts between posts can be forgiven as long as they correspond to long bouts between artworks.

Recently, I was in the GlobeMed art show. I submitted two pieces for that. Not sure who won the vote, I assume given the time that has elapsed it wasn't me, but that's okay. I was really only in it for the exposure.

I have another pair of shoes finished. Spiderman theme, for my friend Tia for Christmas.

They're also on Art Robot, along with most of my other stuff. Specifically the robot drawings which I will try to make into t-shirts at some point in my life. Though, seeing as how I am very busy with other things such as school and rugby and work, who knows when this will go down. However, the plan is on the horizon.

Also on the horizon are skateboard decks by me. Yay! This is interesting because unlinke the shoes, these pieces will be destroyed much faster being on skateboards and all. I'm still pretty excited about them.

Anyways, I should get back to the movie.

Happy Holidays, y'all