Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sculpture or Painting?

So, I probably won't get a chance to update for a while, I'm about to be launched into my last bout of finals and then i have to scramble to find an apartment.

However, all of this business has not kept me from pursuing crazy-ass art projects. Ever since I finished the pointillism, (which I scanned so it's now a digital file. Stay tuned for poster-size versions) I have embraced the idea of obsessive-compulsive artwork.

Inspired by my Notes on Color class, I went to Blick a few days ago and purchased about 9 feet of canvas (like 72 inches wide I think). I also purchased rubber cement, a hole puncher, and got a bunch of those free paint chips samples from home depot.

Figure it out yet?

I'm going to hole punch the paint chips and then glue the holes to the canvas as points. So it's not quite like using a .005 tip pen on paper, but it's comparable. The "points" are a lot bigger, but so is my surface area. Still...it's almost certainly going to kick ass.

I'll try to get around to scanning my actual sketchbook and show you the ideas I've been working on. It probably won't be representational because frankly I don't have the skill for that. I think for now, for the first project of this kind, I'm comfortable doing just a color study. Not to say there won't be any pattern to it at all, I'm just saying I'll probably stick to circles cause I'm into those lately.

Anyways, I'll check back later with my progress.



Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hello Hello. So I'm back from my weekend up north to see some rugby and visit Sam. The tablet really hasn't been good for my school work. I had a mid term this morning and I have to catch up on a lot of things this week. However, despite being super busy with un-art-related things I managed to draft up a design to put on the sample t-shirts.


So the shirts are going to be as follows:

t-shirt - black with light grey robot
tank top - blue with grey robot
v-neck t-shirt - grey with white robot

I'll try to get some visuals and once Keith e-mails me back with a price quote I'll get some samples on the way.
