Sunday, June 14, 2009


I should preface this by saying that I hate blogs.

I recently found myself stalking a few of my friend's blogs (which were linked through facebook) and I couldn't help but think to myself "do you really have nothing better to do?" and "who actually cares about this?" I'm not sure if it was the superficial vibe I was getting or something else, but I felt deeply irked. I realize that's a bit silly.

in fact, I am surprised by the extent to which I take offense to blogs and equally surprised that I can't seem to put my finger on a reason as to why.

The next logical course of action for me was to create a blog for myself, to put myself in the position of a blogger and start publishing some of my thoughts and ideas (so to speak), for anyone who cares to read about them.

So welcome to my blogging experiment and investigation. Maybe this will all be positive for everyone. But then again, maybe it won't.


  1. Pfft, you're the reason I got a "UJournal" than "DeadJournal" back in 9th grade. So really you've created this superficial monster I've become...and my parents/friends wanted to read about my travels, so there. Love you! :-p

  2. KATIE you have a blog! Bahaha yay. I don't hate blogging, but I must admit I do hate the word "blog". Remember when everyone in band had a greatestjournal? I've been online-journaling ever's gotten so bad that now I have two, haha. I'm a loser.
