Monday, July 27, 2009


I haven't posted in a really long time.

I have no new art to speak of. I have planned several pieces, including a 4-part piece to send to a buyer in NYC but there is really no deadline on it, so I've just been procrastinating.

The pointillism has been taking a major back seat to going to the gym and doing other things. Though, I can't really justify not working on it, it's just when I spend so many days in a row on something pretty soon it begins to feel like work and then all the feeling is lost. I am just going to accept the time off. But I need to get back on it soon because I have until the end of summer.

I haven't posted because I feel ashamed at my lack of productivity and I really would like to keep this journal (for the most part) centered on my creative endeavors and not random (albeit relevant) political and social rants that none of your really care about anyways.

This is just an apology blog. I'll post stuff soon. soon soon. I promise.

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