Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tableta Rasa

The tablet arrived in the mail yesterday and I've been pretty much obsessed with it ever since it got here. First of all, it is beautiful and second, it can do pretty much anything. It does take some getting used to as you will see in a moment. The experience is not unlike trying to teach yourself how to play piano, or some other impossibly complicated thing. The thing to remember is that you need to practice, and that's just what I've been doing.

So here is the setup as I had it yesterday...

I originally just pulled up paint but found that wasn't working too well anyways, so I started using Gimp. That is, until I put together my graphic design command center and get CS5. But are some things I did yesterday just to practice including a new TV and Toast cartoon.

"You're still not good at drawing cubes"

"Its front leg is lumpy. Why is its tail so far down?"

Just some of the comments I received for those. But finally, here is the new (properly)tabletized version of TV and Toast...

I think this is the start of something good.


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