Tuesday, June 29, 2010

All the things I know right now...

Right now I'm hanging out in Alameda surrounded by sleeping animals. Kuma and Mizuki (akitas) are here on the floor, and Cliff the cat is nearby on a chair. Snoop Dog the cat is nowhere to be seen as usual but he's probably sleeping too. How did I get here you ask? Well...

I moved out of Los Angeles last Saturday. My lease expires tomorrow so I made it just in time really. Every plan I had made for the past 3 weeks or so has dissolved in some way, yet, I continue to live and breathe and have a roof over my head. Since this epiphany I have taken to going with the flow. Ever since, I have been floating around northern California, currently located in Alameda at my friend and former teammate, Julia's house.

I had plans to move to San Francisco, but as expected, that didn't quite work out. It now appears that I have a prospect in Oakland, but again, who knows if that will come to fruition. What is certain at this point is that I am jobless and not currently paying rent anywhere. Not an entirely bad situation, in fact.

Since I have secured a free place to store my things for the next month (thanks to Julia's lovely parents) I plan on using my foreseeable "funemployment" time to go back to Oceanside and LA to visit and say goodbye to some people. I left in kind of a hurry.

One thing at a time though. Today I had a lazy, yet productive day. I finally made another TV and Toast comic which you can find at the bottom of this post, and I did some work for artrobot.net. I also got a little farther in the robot t-shirt process and as you can see, I am finally updating this damn blog.

As of late I have completed some projects. I recently designed a logo for a soccer team in Menlo Park, Ca. as seen here.

I also put up some t-shirt designs on the art robot facebook: and

So those are the shirts, the other REALLY EXCITING thing is my business card that came in the mail. It turned out really well.

I have only been distributing it to my friends so far because artrobot.net isn't exactly up yet (though there is a cool graphic that you can check out right now if you'd like) but like I said, I spent a part of today working on it, and I'll do a little bit more tonight before calling it a day. I wanted to update the blog so that it wouldn't completely fall to the wayside. Though I suppose it couldn't hurt to let the 5 of you in on a little preview of what the basic page on the site will look like. Here it is:

Pretty Art-Robot-y I'd say. Anyways, once the site is up my life should be much easier, it will link up to all of my stuff like this blog and the facebook and paypal and all that.

The final change in life trajectory has taken the form of going back to school to acquire more skillz in the digital design area. I'm more or less decided on going to a community college to earn an AA in Graphic Design. It will be good to learn how to use things like Adobe CS, beef up my resume, and of course, a piece of paper saying that you know things goes a long way in the professional world. But as for now, I have some time to enjoy not having a job or any responsibilities, and so I leave you with this...


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