Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I was in Claremont this weekend visiting Maggie. Her dad gave me some canvas and I painted this. It's supposed to be boats.

I think.

I didn't really care if they were or not, I liked the shapes. This is my latest finished piece. I started another one last night but I won't have that done for another couple days probably, it's more like my style. This one is really different. It's so rare that I finish something in only a day. I hardly ever have the energy to followthrogh with something quickly.

Which is probably why that pointilism piece has almost taken me 2 years and it's still not done. If I worked on it diligently, I could have it done in a month I'm sure. But alas, I don't possess the patience these days.

I felt lame for using primary colors then it was pointed out to me that Mondrian also painted with primary colors. The difference is I actually like my painting...and he's famous and I'm not.

Should this be in included in the grad school application portfolio?

that is the question.

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