Thursday, February 4, 2010

Blog Fail

I haven't been able to do any new art lately. I've been trying to get the Robot T-shirt thing off the ground but I just haven't had time. I'm taking classes that have pretty much monopolized my time.

Lizelle recently showed me some quotes from her old online journals, and It's been brought to my attention by the gf that I am the biggest blog failer ever. It's true, this seems to be the first thing to fall by the way side once I get really busy and stressed out. But I should make more of an effort to post things that may not be directly related to my art, but maybe have to do with what's going on with me so that people don't think I'm dead.

So that's that. For now I'll leave you all with this

--Katie "Huggles" Seibert

1 comment:

  1. You do fail at blogging, but I disappeared for awhile too. I still want a Robot t-shirt!

    This is super ridiculous, but that comic reminded me of this:
