Tuesday, April 6, 2010

For F**k sake!

So, I made it through the hardest quarter of my LIFE and it feels good. I just got back from Scotland with my rugby team and let me tell you, it was amazing.

So that's a three-picture re-cap of the trip. Stone architecture, Rugby, and going out. It was the culmination of winter-quarter season but because we are so damn good, we have earned a spot in nationals yet again.

On the art front, nothing too exciting is going on, though I do have some news to report on.

1. I pulled of some decorations for a Bar Mitzvah (Designer status)
2. I designed a business card for my cousin Josh's catering company (with help from Sam)(Graphic designer status)
3. I am currently enrolled in an art class with Jim Welling,

The class is on color, so this should be interesting. I really had no idea what a complex subject it was until I sat through lecture. It's not a studio class, but it should definitely inspire me to work on some stuff and maybe after some new insight I can get over my anxiety of painting in green.

Still to come, finishing that damn pointillism piece and framing the fruit pictures above my stove. Also, I haven't abandoned the robot t-shirts but I need to come up with a better method of getting those done.

I promise I'll start writing more soon, I already have a lot more free time and plus my classes are extremely thought provoking and I'll probably use this blog as a colorful soap-box, so prepare yourselves for that.

yes I'm talking to the 5 of you who read this.


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